Integrate SecurEnds with Workday Lifecycle Management and Access Certification

SecurEnds integration with Workday expedites Provisioning and Deprovisioning

Workday offers an advanced SaaS platform designed for modern workforce management. However, many organizations using Workday still operate within a hybrid IT ecosystem, combining custom and cloud applications. These companies often rely on manual processes for provisioning and deprovisioning, especially during access reviews, role changes, or employee departures. To achieve the optimal balance of compliance, security, and productivity in these processes, IT and Security departments are seeking more efficient solutions. Leveraging integrated tools for streamlined provisioning, access reviews, and deprovisioning can enhance operational efficiency and strengthen security posture.

workday integration

SecurEnds IGA integrates with Workday to create best of breed onboarding and compliance solution:

Create an identity repository that acts as a single source of truth for all employees managed in Workday.

Provision employees in downstream systems such as Active Directory, AWS, custom applications

Deprovision users in different systems upon role change, access review and departure

SecurEnds — Workday integration Optimizes Onboarding and Mitigate Risks

SecurEnds significantly enhances your Workday environment by delivering comprehensive solutions for Access Certifications and periodic User Access Reviews. This advanced integration is designed to ensure strict compliance with essential regulations such as SOX (Sarbanes-Oxley), FISMA (Federal Information Security Management Act), and HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act). By seamlessly incorporating SecurEnds into your Workday system, you can achieve unparalleled oversight and control over your access management processes.

Our solution provides robust access controls that are crucial for protecting sensitive information and systems. SecurEnds meticulously manages user entitlements, ensuring that only authorized personnel can access critical data. The Access Certification process facilitated by SecurEnds involves rigorous verification of your organization’s controls, ensuring that access permissions are both accurate and appropriate. This process is crucial for maintaining a high level of data integrity and security.

Furthermore, SecurEnds’ integration supports periodic User Access Reviews, which are essential for ongoing compliance and security management. These reviews help to identify and address any discrepancies or risks associated with user access, thereby reinforcing your organization’s overall security framework. By implementing SecurEnds, your organization benefits from enhanced visibility, control, and assurance in managing access, ensuring that you meet regulatory requirements and uphold the highest standards of data protection and compliance.