App Creation in SecurEnds Tool
- In the Admin Console, go to Applications.
- Click the Add button next to it to begin configuration.

Setup Application
- Select Data Ingestion method as Connector.
- Enter application Name.
- Enter the Application Owner email information.
- Search Connector in Featured Integrations and select BOX.
- Select Local for your Agent. Agent is software that is installed on your on-premise environment to pull data from applications such as Active Directory, Database and Custom Applications that are not cloud based.
- Select Local if the application is cloud based. No agent install is required.
- You will need to whitelist the SecurEnds IP’s. Your Implementation Consultant can provide these.
- Select Remote if you installed Agent on-premise.
- The server where the agent is installed must have connectivity to the on-premises application or database.
- If a new agent is required, contact your implementation consultant or submit a ticket via the SecurEnds Help Desk using the Report Issue link in the upper right corner of the SecurEnds application. SecurEnds will need to provide files and instructions.
- Select Local if the application is cloud based. No agent install is required.
- Select Match By logic as Default(Email or FirstName and LastName) or Employee Id
- If we select Default(Email or FirstName and LastName) the system will match the user with Email OR First Name and Last Name while syncing
- If we select Employee Id the system will only match the Employee ID while syncing
- Select Include Inactive Users to fetch all users
- Selecting Yes will include all the Active and Disabled status users to be added in the Matched users for BOX.
- Selecting No will only pull Active users to be added to the Matched users for BOX.
- Include Entitlements Enabled as Yes to load the entitlements on application while syncing.

Configure Application #
- Provide the following configuration values acquired from Configuration Details
- Box ClientID
- Box ClientSecret
- Box PublicKeyID
- Box PrivateKey
- Box PassPhrase
- Box EnterpriseID

Ticketing System Configuration #
For more information on Ticketing System Configuration, Click here.
Click Save once finished to add the connector.