Financial Institution Solution

Access Certification For Financial Institutions

Proudly Serving Depository, Non-Depository & Investment Financial Institutions

In the complex financial sector, effective access certification is crucial for security, compliance, and operational integrity. SecurEnds provides a tailored solution of access certification for financial institutions with the following key benefits:

  • Comprehensive Governance: Enforces policies and ensures compliance with FFIEC standards, reducing fraud and audit risks.
  • Seamless Integration: Connects easily with both on-premise and cloud-based applications using industry-leading flex-connectors.
  • Automated Access Reviews: Streamlines the review process, minimizing manual errors and delays.
  • Single Source of Truth: Centralizes user identities and access rights for better control and visibility.
  • Flexible Review Campaigns: Supports attribute-based, one-time, or periodic reviews with multiple approval levels.
  • Service Management Integration: Works with systems like Trackit, ServiceNow, and Jira for efficient deprovisioning.
  • Proof of Compliance: Provides detailed, audit-friendly compliance reports.
  • Identity MindMaps: Visualizes access rights to aid in managing and identifying potential issues.

Our Access Certification and Access Request solution offers rapid deployment options for both on-premise and cloud environments. Equipped with industry-leading flex-connectors, it ensures seamless integration with financial institution applications and service management software.

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    Why Do I Need It?

    Your financial institution most likely uses a manual process to conduct access reviews. Any remediation (eg deprovision access for terminated employee) is probably done after the fact and manually. This leaves you vulnerable to audit findings and cyber attacks.

    What Are The Benefits?

    Our Access Certification software takes out the complexity and helps enforce IT controls and compliance mandates.


    Why SecurEnds?

    Our lightweight, highly configurable and industry first flex-connector product can be easily deployed on your on-prem or cloud in a matter of few hours. Our product an easily bolt on to your existing single -sign-on solution to make a comprehensive end to end identity management solutions

    SecurEnds SaaS product has helped Financial Institutions achieve quick Identity Governance results.

    Salient Features:
    • Create single source of truth by connecting to HR systems such as ADP etc
    • Automate user access reviews across connected and disconnected applications
    • Set up attribute based, one time or periodic, multi approval level access review campaigns.
    • Integrate with service management systems (Trackit, ServiceNow, Jira) to orchestrate deprovisioning workflow.
    • Generate proof of compliance reports for audit trails.
    • Ease to drill down identity mind maps for manager to see “who has access to what resource”
    Access Certification using identity Mindmaps financial systems

    Our Solution Allows Access Certification For Financial Institutions

    Category SecurEnds Homegrown
    Data Collection Connect with enterprise, custom and cloud applications using flex-connectors or csv file upload Manual data extraction and aggregation of identities
    Entitlement Discovery AI enabled discovery of “who has access to what” using identity mind map Non existent
    Access Request Workflow Automated workflows to manage access requests, approval and fulfillment across enterprise systems Non existent
    Reminder Notification Intelligent email reminders with automated to reviewers, managers and end -users In person or spreadsheet based reminders
    Access Certification Intuitive interface that consolidates roles, permissions and credentials across applications one-time or periodically or based on attributes Manual review of spreadsheets or confirmation emails
    Segregation Of Duty (SOD) Proactively create rules that prevent entitlements or roles from being granted to the same person Non existent
    Proof Of Compliance Audit Reports Out of box audit friendly compliance reports Spreadsheet based
    Service Management Integration Out of the box integrations with service management systems (Jira, ServiceNow) Non integrated workflow